
This page is for information purposes only.

Ashcroft Makers products cannot be copied & re-sold or redistributed in any way.

Ashcroft Makers does NOT grant the right to re-sell sock machines made from Ashcroft Makers CSM Kits.


Finished objects made from Ashcroft Makers Knitting Patterns CAN be re-sold, but NOT the knitting pattern itself.


  The Copyright protection of this website was automatically created at the time that the Ashcroft Makers 3D Printed Circular Sock Machine, Kits and Patterns were first published for sale in 2020,  2021 and 2022. 

 Is is NOT permissible to copy Ashcroft Makers written content or to:

- Share or sell those instructions;

- Copy from a physical item, such as the Ashcroft Makers 3D Printed Circular Sock machine, Ribber or Kit, either the whole work or a 'substantial' part of it;

Anyone wishing to publish or adapt a copyrighted work must secure permission from the copyright owner, i.e. Ashcroft Makers.


  Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of a copyright holder when material is used without consent.


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Ashcroft Makers retains copyright and other rights already held, which are shared through these services for the purpose of guidance only.


Ashcroft Makers is a trading name of Benoykel Solutions LLP, registered in England & Wales OC438339

 Registered Offices:

 5 Grimbald Crag Court, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England. HG5 8QB

54 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT5 5AD

All Rights Reserved